clixGalore Affiliate Marketing Affiliate Programs

clixGalore Affiliate Marketing Privacy Statement

This privacy statement demonstrates clixGalore Affiliate Marketing's commitment to user privacy. We have detailed below our procedures and practices for gathering and using information for

clixGalore Affiliate Marketing relies on the use of cookies. clixGalore Affiliate Marketing use cookies to track sales and leads, to assist in eliminating fraudulent click thrus and for member log in sessions. It is a requirement to accept cookies to become a member of clixGalore Affiliate Marketing.

The information stored in a clixGalore Affiliate Marketing cookie does not contain personally identifiable information. The cookies used to track sales and leads hold clixGalore Affiliate Marketing unique identifiers and an IP address. The IP address is used to help identify a user when processing a confirmed sale/lead.

Registering with clixGalore Affiliate Marketing requires a number of online forms to be completed. The following is a breakdown of the information collected on these forms.

MERCHANT INFORMATION- Contact Name, Address, Email, Website Information and Credit Card Information.

AFFILIATE INFORMATION- - Contact Name, Address, Email, Website Information

Financial information that is collected is used to bill the user for services. All credit card information is collected online via a secure and encrypted browser. We currently use Equifax Secure E-Business for browser security and encryption.

Data Security
clixGalore Affiliate Marketing has numerous security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of our customer’s information. All customer information is password protected and only accessible by authorised members of the clixGalore Affiliate Marketing staff.

Data Use
clixGalore Affiliate Marketing reserves the right to contact its members when required. No other parties or companies have access to, or are given data relating to our customers. Members at any time can contact clixGalore Affiliate Marketing and ask to have their membership terminated and their data removed. A clixGalore Affiliate Marketing newsletter is regularly sent out to our members. At any time members can ask to be removed from this mailing list by sending an email to email the Customer Service team.

Members have full control and accessibility to their data. A member’s account information can be edited at any time from the clixGalore member home page. It is the member’s responsibility to keep their account information current.

Notification Of Changes
clixGalore is committed to keeping our members aware of any changes to our policies. If there is a modification to our privacy policy, clixGalore will post those changes on our home page.

Contacting the Web Site
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site please
email the Customer Service team.









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